Monday, July 23

Random thoughts on life

I am such a Libra, all I want is both of my blogs to have the same about of posts. It drives me absolutely nutty that this blog has 5-6 fewer blogs than my other one. Yet, it's so hard to write about literary artifacts when I barely have time to read any.
Life is crazy during summer school, I have no time for myself or homework for that matter. I know if I would just blow off everyone I know that I could finish in know time. But seriously, it's summer time and where is the fun in that?
My last roommate told me that summer school would be so boring that I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I'd say that for the first week, if that, it was borderline boring. But afterwards the only time I have had to settle down and catch up with myself was when I was put on rest for a week after my appendix.
The downside to that was that everyone missed me, so to make up for it I have been double timing it since. Shit, I'll still miss this summer once it's gone. I know my GPA won't nor will my sleep. But that's OK, life isn't about GPA or sleep.
I have discovered so many wonderful bands recently. Toward the end of spring semester I became obsessed with John Frusc'iante's solo work, I acquired the "Cereal Song." Originally it was sent to me marked as "Heroin" by John Frusciante, but while I was researching it I found out that it was "The Cereal Song," by the Bicycle Thiefs. I just bought their album, "You Come and Go Like a Pop Song." It's absolutely wonderful, everyone should buy it.
Ah, it's late. And this useless and random post is coming to an end. Besides, I am only 319 pages into the latest Harry Potter. Hopefully I will be finished by the Wednesday at 8 pmish.