Monday, March 26

Who's going to solve the equation for Generation X?

I am beginning to regret titling this blog "literary," it's not the easiest thing to consistantly write something "literary."

I was watching this really awesome program on VH1 Classics during lunch today and they discuss the growth, evolution and aftermath of some of the greatest albums. I watched a part of Queen's Night at the Opera and Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.

And bands are seriously not living up to their jobs, potential or expectations. Elton John and Queen did these fabulous things with intricate costumes, bizarre costumes and just had a blast doing it. Now a days, costumes and a good show are substituted for talent and musical ability.

The costumes they wore help interpret the music, maybe it would be better to say that the costumes brought the music to a new level, and unheard of level before. Anyway, the point is, the songs feel different when the artists wear different costumes.

What Elton John and Queen wore are not necessarily fashionable, or even cool. Most of the time they are obscenely odd and look rather uncomfortable to wear and move around in...but that's what makes the music that much more awesome. It's despite the uncomfortable, sticky, hot clothing that they wore and still managed to rock out.

Take Woodstock '94, with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, they wore light bulbs on their head for some odd reason (and yes, oddly enough, there was a reason), but Flea still managed to dance around the stage and go nuts...nut as nuts as before, but still an impressive amount considering what was on his head.

The more I look at what the musicians, authors, etc did during the late 1960's and the early 1970's, the more I start to wonder why it's different for us. Hopefully there will be a big musical uproar, we are in definite need of it.

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