Thursday, November 16


This semester has been brutial, to say the least.

I was just looking at all my old posts (yes, at most, all 7 of them...I am such an avid blogger) and I realized how pathetic my reading life has become lately. Since I created this blog I have had little to no time for personal private readings, it's a shame.
I worked all summer, and have been beyond loaded with school work all semester.
Fret not, I will post silly pointless reviews of books in the not too distant future, I promise that I will write at least one review over my Thanksgiving break.

And I will also post some papers that I have worked on this semester, granted I will wait until I get them back from my teachers and extensively edit them (because I am evil like that :D)
Anyway, the point to this longwinded pointless entry, is that I have not forgotten about my book list I made at the beggining of the summer.

Stay tuned for:
"Scar Tissue" by Anthony Kiedis
"Haunted" by Chuck Palahniuk
and, a special edition entry,
A comparison of "Less Than Zero" to "Catcher in the Rye," the back says "'Catcher in the Rye
for the MTV generation - USA Today," [that was hard to quote, sorry if I did it incorrectly] and I hope that I have some interesting opinions on the two books, and mainly on that quote.


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