Thursday, October 5

Only slightly obsessed, I swear...

How to become obsessed with the Red Hot Chili Peppers and understand what lies beneath the lyrics.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers is a band based out of California, their style and sound is always evolving and changing. The band has four members; Anthony Kiedis, vocals; Michael “Flea” Balzary, bass; John Frusciante, guitar; and Chad Smith, drums.
Step One; go out and buy their latest two disc album, Stadium Arcadium. Borrowing the CDs from a friend or downloading it from iTunes are also acceptable.
Step Two; insert disc one; Jupiter. Once Jupiter is finished, insert disc two; Mars.
For the best results; while listening to the music--you should completely submerge yourself within the album. Allow the words and chords of their songs to take over. The result should be a mix of happiness and amazement.
Helpful Tips; pay attention to everything. The lyrics, the guitar, the bass, the drums; the way all the elements blend together, in short--the everything.
Listen to the entire album in sequence. The order of the songs could be beneficial in understand key elements within the lyrics.
For example, the last song on the Mars disc, “Death of a Martian,” would not be as sentimental, or powerful if it were earlier in the album, it has to be heard last. If “Death of a Martian” was not last, people might not understand that is a eulogy.
Kiedis is notorious for exposing the bands inner most actions, thoughts, secrets, or lifestyles in the lyrics. Kiedis does not only write songs from his perspective, but from his friends and families perspective as well. Meaning, you do not want to immediately assume that every song is only about Kiedis and his personal life.
It is good practice to completely listen to the entire album once, or twice for an even better result, before reading the lyrics from the booklet. By listening to the album before reading the lyrics, you are allowing yourself to create words at parts where Kiedis might be incoherent or inaudible. This allows for a Freudian slip, or a slip of the ear.
Sometimes, using the Freudian slip can create a more personal meaning, while other times, it could distort the meaning of the song.
For example; in the song “Tell Me Baby,” Kiedis sings, “They come from every state to find,” which could also be heard as “They come from every state of mind.” Hearing “…every state to find,” would make someone think of people literally leaving their state for another, probably for California. The Red Hot Chili Peppers are also notorious for writing songs about California.
Hearing “…every state of mind,” would make someone think of people in an altered state of mind, possibly under the influence of drugs. The Red Hot Chili Peppers also write a lot of songs about drug usage, or the effect drugs have on a person.
In the case of “Tell Me Baby,” while the Red Hot Chili Peppers wrote “…every state to find,” hearing the lyrics as “…every state of mind,” might distort the meaning slightly, but not terribly.
In 2004, Kiedis came out with an autobiography, “Scar Tissue.” For those who are looking for the true, and real, meaning behind each song, you should read “Scar Tissue.”
“Scar Tissue,” catalogs everything event that went and still goes into the creation that is, the Red Hot Chili Peppers. “Scar Tissue” also creates an insight into the lyrics.
For example, Kiedis writes about how the band used to meet up at Flea’s house to practice. Before, after, and possibly even during their practices the band members would play with Flea’s dogs. One of those dogs was named Martian. Going back up to the importance of the songs sequence, it is obvious that Flea’s dog, Martian, died.
From reading the book and listening to the song, it is clear that every member of the band was very touched and attached to Martian. Therefore, after her death they said their goodbye’s the only way they know how--with music. And the song “Death of a Martian” is created.
For over achievers; try listening to John Frusciante’s solo work. Frusciante’s solo work is also great for those who are more instrumentally focused, than lyrically, when listening to music.
Some helpful reminders; if you do not catch a meaning the first time, do not worry about it- just listen to the song again. From past listening experience, the worthwhile metaphors take more time to understand.
For a spiritual meaning of the songs, listen to it in its entirety. Paying close attention to the way the band works as a whole can show you more than the lyrics could ever write.
Repeat the steps as needed or desired.


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