Tuesday, May 9

The purpose of a name...

My blogs name is Into the Words, which is a play on words of the play "Into the Woods," by Stephen Sondheim.

This blog will discuss literary material. Which will include, books, plays, poems, and the occasional song, and possibly a movie [provided it was a book first].

"Into the Woods"
is written by Stephen Sodheim, and James Lapine, who wrote the book and directed the play. Lapine's work includes four of the Brother Grimm's stories, "Jack in the Bean Stock," "Rapunzel," "Cinderella," and "Little Red Ridding Hood."

The first act introduces the characters and their personalities, including their wishes and desires for a "happily ever after". However, instead of the second act continuing with the happy setting, it is twisted into an uncertain outcome.

Lapine and Sondheim add another twist to the stereotypical fairy tales, they expose the bad in the characters and plot scenes.

For more information on "Into the Woods
" you can check it out on Amazon.com.

I think what Lapine and Sondheim did is very important. They cleverly combined four typical fairy tales and added their own amount of spice and energy to it.

While the play can both be humorous and entertaining, more importantly, is has a concrete message. Which is not everything is a fairy tale. If you look close enough, even fairy tales themselves, are not always fairy tales.


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