Thursday, May 18

Everyone is just trying to find a feeling...

I saw "Crash" tonight for the first time, the more recent "Crash," it was released in 2004. After seeing the movie, the first thing I could think of was "Whoa."

The first lines of the movie are;
Graham: It's the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something.
From the very first line to the very last line the actors and actresses keep you enthralled with what is happening to them, why it is happening and how to solve or sort out the issue. Everyone actor or actress caught my interest, whether it be hating the character or loving the character.

The way Paul Haggis, the writer and director, combined the cast is very compelling. Haggis included both big name and little to no named stars. He was smart enough to put the big named stars in roles that they generally did not portray.

Sandra Bullock, for example, who generally plays a very in control kind person, or a lonely, yet still in control, person who manages to find love in this mixed up world, plays a neurotic bitch. And plays it very well.

Every character has two sides, each side is as drastically different as can be, Haggis shows why these characters are the way they are, or why they have a different side for a while.

I really do not want to give much of the movie away, it is totally incredible, I definitely would recommend that everyone watch, and to watch it when you can focus and possibly later discuss the film.
In Photo: Michael Pena
Officer Ryan: You think you know who you are?
Officer Ryan: You have no idea.


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